2023 Nominations
Nominations for The Baton Awards 2023
Thank you for your interest in The Baton Awards 2023. We appreciate your time in considering nominating a trailblazing woman from a diverse racial group in Britain.
The Baton Awards 2023 Nomination Form
If you know of someone who has made an outstanding contribution and demonstrated excellence in their field, has paved the way, and whose strides reflect the ethos of the Batons Awards, we welcome you to nominate them for a 2023 Baton Award. The Baton Awards celebrates women from diverse racial groups from the Past, Present, and Future by acknowledging Britain’s females from diverse racial groups’ pathfinders and inspiring future pioneers, across diverse sectors. Nominations can be made for yourself, a friend, an acquaintance, a colleague, an associate or a family member. You can nominate the same person for multiple award categories but must use a separate nomination form for each category. Similarly, if you wish to nominate more than one person or group, please use a separate nomination form for each nominee. In order to facilitate our blind-judging process, please do NOT include the Nominee’s name in the form fields, with the exception of ‘First Name’ and ‘Surname’. This is especially important in the biography section and those thereafter.
Nominations Open | 00:00 Monday 15th May 2023
Nominations Close | 23:59 Tuesday 8th Aug 2023
Judging: Phase 1 | 22nd Aug – 22nd Sept 2023.
Judging: Adjudication Phase 2 | 23rd Sep – 24th Sept 2023.
Judging: Final Phase | 25th Sep – 31st Oct 2023.
Once an award nomination has been submitted, the person nominating receives confirmation of the award entry, and the nominee will receive notification by email that they have been nominated for The Baton Awards. We won’t share who made the nomination unless you want the nominee to know! There are no limitations to the number of nominations you submit, feel free to nominate as many inspiring women as you would like to.
Following the closing date, at 23:59 BST on the 21st August 2023, all nominations for the Baton Awards will undergo a thorough evaluation process.
In Phase 1 of the judging process, the panel will identify a selection of candidates in each category to go forward to the next stage. In Phase 2 of judging process, three finalists will be carefully selected for each category.
In phase 3, our final panel of judges will be invited to choose a single finalist in each category to determine The Baton Awards winner, this momentous decision will take place prior to the highly anticipated awards ceremony on Friday 1st December, where the winners of the 2023 Baton Awards will be announced.
The Baton Awards 2023 will take place on the 1st December 2023.
Females from diverse racial groups’, trailblazing, ambitious and making a difference!
Who do you know that is making a difference in their field? We want to find the most driven, passionate and inspiring females from diverse racial groups’ industry trailblazers from every corner of the UK.
Nominate a person who has demonstrated excellence in their field, has paved the way, and whose strides reflect the ethos of the Batons Awards.
How? It’s simple, complete a nomination form indicating why you or your nominee deserves to be a Batons Award winner, from the 16th May to the 1st August 2023.
Please include as much relevant information as possible, under the various sections, on how you or your nominee is making a difference, and the impact this involvement is having on the respective field or industry.

Once a nomination has been made, you’ll receive an acknowledgement and the nominee will receive notification by email.
We won’t share who made the nomination, so feel free to submit as many as you would like. Following the closing date on 22nd August 2023, completed Nomination Forms will be sent to the Phase 1 Judging Panel, who will then identify a selection of candidates in each category, to go forward to the next stage.
The nominations will be carefully sifted during Phase 2 of judging by our Adjudication Judging panel, three finalists will be shortlisted in each category.
Finally, our Final Judging Panel will be invited to choose a finalist in each category, ahead of the Awards event on 1st December 2023, where the 2023 Baton Award Winners will be announced.
For General Enquiries: Hello@thebatonawards.com @TheBatonAwards For media Enquiries: diahanne@nakedtruth.agency
For Sponsorship Enquiries: Jonathan@nakedtruth.agency Social Media: Twitter @BatonAwards Instagram @TheBatonAwards Facebook @TheBatonAwards #BatonAwards2023 #BatonsAreBack Telephone: 0333 332 1575